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Jawatan Kosong Kolej Islam Darul Ridzuan (KISDAR) November 2011
Jawatan Kosong Kolej Islam Darul Ridzuan (KISDAR) 

Enactment of Darul Ridzuan Islamic College was approved by the State Council on 19 November 2001 and was approved by His HRH Sultan of Perak on March 6, 2002 and was published for public knowledge on March 28, 2002. On May 24, 2003, the establishment of Darul Ridzuan Islamic College is registered under the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. Darul Ridzuan Islamic College began operations in September 1999 address at Jalan Dato ‘Seri Shaari Off Jalan Raja confluence of Ipoh. After almost nine years of operation, the Islamic College Battlegrounds Gaming began moving to the permanent campus is located at Bukit Chandan, Royal City, Magelang, Central Java at May 2, 2008. Campus site is the endowment of DYTM Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, son of Sultan Azlan Shah Muhibbuddin. The cost of construction would cost approximately RM70 million was allocated from the State Government. HRH Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah Muhibbuddin son of the late Sultan Yussuf Izzuddin Shah Ghafarullahu has consented to a permanent opening dust contaminating the Islamic College Battlegrounds Gaming on 16 July 2009 at the Multipurpose Hall Darul Ridzuan Islamic College.
1. Pensyarah Kanan (10 Kekosongan)
2. Pensyarah (24 Kekosongan)
3. Pegawai Tadbir (6 Kekosongan)
4. Akauntan (2 Kekosongan)
5. Pustakawan (1 Kekosongan)
6. Pegawai Hal Ehwal Islam (1 Kekosongan)
7. Pegawai Psikologi (1 Kekosongan)
8. Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat (1 Kekosongan)
9. Jurutera (1 Kekosongan)
10. Pegawai Undang-Undang (1 Kekosongan)
11. Pegawai Keselamatan (1 Kekosongan)
12. Penolong Pegawai Tadbir (4 Kekosongan)
13. Penolong Akauntan (1 Kekosongan)
14. Penolong Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat (1 Kekosongan)
15. Pembantu Tadbir (10 Kekosongan)
16. Pembantu Tadbir Stor (2 Kekosongan)
17. Pembantu Akauntan (10 Kekosongan)
18. Pembantu Perpustakaan (4 Kekosongan)
19. Pegawai Khidmat Pelanggan (2 Kekosongan)
20. Pembantu Grafik (2 Kekosongan)
21. Juruteknik Komputer (2 Kekosongan)
22. Juruteknik Awam (2 Kekosongan)
23. Penjaga Jentera Elektrik (1 Kekosongan)
24. Pengawal Keselamatan (3 Kekosongan)
25. Pekerja Awam (5 Kekosongan)



Tarikh Tutup Permohonan: 11 November 2011
Lokasi: Perak


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